Ceph Persistent Storage for Kubernetes with Cephfs


Kubernetes is a prominent open-source orchestration platform. Individuals use it to deploy, manage, and scale applications. It is often challenging to manage stateful applications on this platform, especially those having heavy databases. Ceph is a robust distributed storage system that comes to the rescue. This open-source storage platform is known for its reliability, performance, and scalability. This blog post guides you on how to use Ceph persistent storage for Kubernetes with Cephfs. So let us learn the process step-by-step. Before we jump into the steps, you must have an external Ceph cluster. We assume you have a Ceph storage cluster deployed with Ceph Deploy or manually. Step 1: Deployment of Cephfs Provisioner on Kubernetes Deployment of Cephfs Provisioner on Kubernetes is a straightforward process. Simply log into your Kubernetes cluster and make a manifest file to deploy the RBD provisioner. It is an external dynamic provisioner that is compatible with Kubernetes 1.5+. vim cephfs-provisioner.yml Include the following content within the file. Remember, our deployment relies on RBAC (Role-Based Access Control). Therefore, we will establish the cluster role and bindings before making the service account and deploying the Cephs provisioner. — kind: Namespace apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: cephfs — kind: ClusterRole apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-provisioner namespace: cephfs rules: – apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumes"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete"] – apiGroups: [""] resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"] – apiGroups: ["storage.k8s.io"] resources: ["storageclasses"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] – apiGroups: [""] resources: ["events"] verbs: ["create", "update", "patch"] – apiGroups: [""] resources: ["services"] resourceNames: ["kube-dns","coredns"] verbs: ["list", "get"] — kind: ClusterRoleBinding apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs-provisioner namespace: cephfs subjects: – kind: ServiceAccount name: cephfs-provisioner namespace: cephfs roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: cephfs-provisioner apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io — apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: Role metadata: name: cephfs-provisioner namespace: cephfs rules: – apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["create", "get", "delete"] – apiGroups: [""] resources: ["endpoints"] verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"] — apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: cephfs-provisioner namespace: cephfs roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: Role name: cephfs-provisioner subjects: – kind: ServiceAccount name: cephfs-provisioner — apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: cephfs-provisioner namespace: cephfs — apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: cephfs-provisioner namespace: cephfs spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: cephfs-provisioner strategy: type: Recreate template: metadata: labels: app: cephfs-provisioner spec: containers: – name: cephfs-provisioner image: "quay.io/external_storage/cephfs-provisioner:latest" env: – name: PROVISIONER_NAME value: ceph.com/cephfs – name: PROVISIONER_SECRET_NAMESPACE value: cephfs command: – "/usr/local/bin/cephfs-provisioner" args: – "-id=cephfs-provisioner-1" serviceAccount: cephfs-provisioner Next, apply the manifest. $ kubectl apply -f cephfs-provisioner.yml namespace/cephfs created clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cephfs-provisioner created clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cephfs-provisioner created role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cephfs-provisioner created rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cephfs-provisioner created serviceaccount/cephfs-provisioner created deployment.apps/cephfs-provisioner created Make sure that the Cephfs volume provisioner pod is in the operational state. $ kubectl get pods -l app=cephfs-provisioner -n cephfs NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cephfs-provisioner-7b77478cb8-7nnxs 1/1 Running 0 84s Step 2: Obtain the Ceph Admin Key and Create a Secret on Kubernetes Access your Ceph cluster and retrieve the admin key to be used by the RBD provisioner. sudo ceph auth get-key client.admin Save the value of the admin user key displayed by the above command. Later, we will incorporate this key as a secret in Kubernetes. kubectl create secret generic ceph-admin-secret \ –from-literal=key='<key-value>' \ –namespace=cephfs Where <key-value> is your Ceph admin key. Verify the creation by using the following command. $ kubectl get secrets ceph-admin-secret -n cephfs NAME TYPE DATA AGE ceph-admin-secret Opaque 1 6s Step 3: Make Ceph Pools for Kubernetes and Client Key To run a Ceph file system, you will need at least two RADOS pools, one for data and another for metadata. Usually, the metadata pool contains only a few gigabytes of data. Generally, individuals use 64 or 128 for large clusters. Therefore, we recommend a small PG count. Now let us make Ceph OSD pools for Kubernetes: sudo ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 128 128 sudo ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 64 64 Create a Ceph file system on the pools. sudo ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data Confirm Ceph File System Creation. $ sudo ceph fs ls name: cephfs, metadata pool: cephfs_metadata, data pools: [cephfs_data ] UI Dashboard Confirmation Step 4: Make Cephfs Storage Class on Kubernetes A StorageClass serves as a means to define the “classes” of storage you offer in Kubernetes. Let’s create a storage class known as “Cephrfs.” vim cephfs-sc.yml Add the following content to the file: — kind: StorageClass apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: cephfs namespace: cephfs provisioner: ceph.com/cephfs parameters: monitors:,, adminId: admin adminSecretName: ceph-admin-secret adminSecretNamespace: cephfs claimRoot: /pvc-volumes Where: ⦁ Cephfs is the name of the StorageClass to be created. ⦁, & are the IP addresses of Ceph Monitors. You can list them with the command: $ sudo ceph -s cluster: id: 7795990b-7c8c-43f4-b648-d284ef2a0aba health: HEALTH_OK services: mon: 3 daemons, quorum cephmon01,cephmon02,cephmon03 (age 32h) mgr: cephmon01(active, since 30h), standbys: cephmon02 mds: cephfs:1 {0=cephmon01=up:active} 1 up:standby osd: 9 osds: 9 up (since 32h), 9 in (since 32h) rgw: 3 daemons active (cephmon01, cephmon02, cephmon03) data: pools: 8 pools, 618 pgs objects: 250 objects, 76 KiB usage: 9.6 GiB used, 2.6 TiB / 2.6 TiB avail pgs: 618 active+clean Once you have updated the file with the accurate value of Ceph monitors, give the Kubectl command to make the StorageClass. $ kubectl apply -f cephfs-sc.yml storageclass.storage.k8s.io/cephfs created Next, list all the available storage classes: $ kubectl get sc NAME PROVISIONER RECLAIMPOLICY VOLUMEBINDINGMODE ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION AGE ceph-rbd ceph.com/rbd Delete Immediate false 25h cephfs ceph.com/cephfs Delete Immediate false 2m23s Step 5: Do Testing and Create Pod Create a test persistent volume claim to ensure that everything is smooth. $ vim cephfs-claim.yml — kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: cephfs-claim1 spec: accessModes: – ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: cephfs resources: requests: storage: 1Gi Apply manifest file $ kubectl apply -f cephfs-claim.yml persistentvolumeclaim/cephfs-claim1 created The successful binding will show the bound status. $ kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE ceph-rbd-claim1 Bound pvc-c6f4399d-43cf-4fc1-ba14-cc22f5c85304 1Gi RWO ceph-rbd 25h cephfs-claim1 Bound pvc-1bfa81b6-2c0b-47fa-9656-92dc52f69c52 1Gi RWO cephfs 87s Next, we can launch a test pod using the claim we made. First, create a file to store that data: vim cephfs-test-pod.yaml Add content

The Ultimate Guide to GitLab CI/CD: Along with Example of Building CI/CD Pipeline for Python 

The Ultimate Guide to GitLab

No one can deny the significance of CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment) in software development. They enable a coder to integrate and deploy software codes and identify possible issues simultaneously. Consequently, the process naturally saves the time and effort of a developer. While several platforms support CI/CD, GitLab has grown in popularity. It automates software development in several aspects. This guide makes you aware of the features of GitLab CI/CD. In addition, you will learn to build CI/CD pipelines on GitLab. So let us get started. What is GitLab CI/CD? CI stands for Continuous Integration, while CD for Continuous Deployment/Delivery. CI supports the continuous integration of code changes from various contributors into a shared repository. On the other hand, CD allows code deployment while being developed. GitLab CI/CD is a set of tools and techniques automating software development. It enables users to create, test and deploy code changes inside the GitLab to the end users. The platform aims to support consistent workflow and improve the speed and quality of code. Features of GitLab CI/CD GitLab has several benefits over conventional software development methods. Some key benefits are as per below: ⦁ GitLab keeps CI/CD and code management in the same place. ⦁ It’s a cloud-hosted platform. You do not need to worry about setting up and managing databases or servers. ⦁ You can sign up for the subscription plan that suits your budget. ⦁ You can run different types of tests, such as unit tests, integration tests, or end-to-end tests. ⦁ GitLab automatically builds and tests your code changes as they are pushed to the repository. ⦁ Since GitLab CI/CD is built-in, there is no need for plugin installation. ⦁ The platform supports continuous code collaboration and version control. The Architecture of GitLab CI/CD GitLab CI/CD architecture consists of the following components: GitLab Server Like every online platform, GitLab works on a server. The GitLab server is accountable for hosting all your Git repositories. It helps you keep your data on the server for your client and team. The GitLab server hosts your applications and configures the pipeline. It also manages the pipeline execution and assigns jobs to the runners available. GitLab.com is run by a GitLab instance that further comprises an application server, database, file storage, background workers, etc. Runners Runners are applications that run CI/CD pipelines. GitLab has several runners configured. Every user can access these runners on gitlab.com. Users are allowed to set up their own GitLab runners. Jobs Jobs are tasks performed by the GitLab pipeline. Each job has a unique name and script. Each script gets finished one after the other. A user moves on to the next one only when the previous one is complete. Stages Stages are referred to the differences between jobs. They ensure the completion of jobs in the pipeline. For instance, testing, building, and deploying. Pipeline The pipeline is a complete set of stages. Every stage comprises single or multiple jobs. You can find various types of pipelines in GitLab. These types include basic pipelines, multi-branch pipelines, merge request pipelines, parent-child pipelines, scheduled pipelines, multi-job pipelines, etc. Commit Commit is a record of changes made in the code or files. It is similar to what we see in a GitHub repository. So this is an architecture of GitLab CI/CD. Let us learn how to build a simple CI/CD pipeline with GitLab.   Building a Simple CI/CD pipeline for a Python Application 1. First, create an account on GitLab. 2. Next, create a new project.   You get four different options to create your project. Choose any method convenient to you. In this example, we will import the project from GitHub. 3. Once the project is set up, create a yaml file. Give it a name that is easy to remember. For example, .gitlab-ci.yml.       Above is an example of tests run. Image: It is the image we intend to use to execute our script. before_script: Before script helps you install the prerequisites required to run your scripts. It also includes commands you need to run before the script command. after_script: This script outlines commands running after each job. It may also include failed jobs handling. To add the Python image, we are using images available on DockerHub. 4. Under the CI/CD tab, you will find the ‘Jobs’ tab to get detailed logs and troubleshooting. 5. Next, create an account on DockerHub. You can find the image for Docker on Dockerhub. 6. Go back to the yaml script and write a script to upload the docker image to the repository. You will need to use credentials. To ensure the safety of credentials, use another GitLab feature. Go to Settings-> CI/CD-> Variables Here you can make global variables that you can refer to in the code. If you use the masked variable option, it will prevent the visibility of variable content in logs. 7 Next, upload the image to a private repository. Tag the repository name in Dockerhub. It will help you when writing the Docker push command. The stage clause guarantees that each stage will execute one after another. You can create variables both globally and inside the jobs. You can use them as: $var1 8. In our example, we are following docker in the docker concept. It means we have to make docker available inside its container. The docker client and daemon are inside the container to execute the docker command. 9. Now it is time for the preparation of the deployment server. The process involves configuring the tools and settings to automate the deployment. You can use any remote server. In this example, we are using an Ubuntu server. 10. We used the following command to create a private key. ssh-keygen The method to create a private variable is the same as mentioned in step 6. 11. Next, add the yaml script. Before using the docker run command, stop existing containers. Especially those running on the same port. For this, we have added line 37. By default,

Qwik Framework — Symbolizing Resumability & Serialization

Qwik Framework

An efficient JavaScript framework can build a road to success in your front-end development. Well, we live in a furiously innovative world with a variety of JavaScript Frameworks outperforming each other. But the Qwik stands out as a blazing fast yet developer-friendly framework designed to streamline your development process. Thanks to resumability and lazy loading, Qwik is 5-10 times faster than all the existing JavaScript frameworks. Meanwhile, its productive features and convenience to use craft a perfect environment for complex front-end development. Since there’s a lot to cover about Qwik, we have incorporated everything you need to know in this guide. Let’s start with understanding the framework itself and there’s a lot more waiting for you in the queue! What is Qwik? — A Solution to Developer Problems! Developed by the creator of Angular, Qwik is an open-source frontend framework known for offering super-fast page load speed and efficiency. It delivers HTML with minified JavaScript featuring the necessary elements only for an incredible performance. Thanks to its fine-grained architecture, Qwik can isolate the segments and hydrate them so that they can be used whenever required. The framework has reached a new potential with the v1.0 update offering better optimized rendering time and features like Lazy execution. Generally, developers need to incorporate a glut of JavaScript to make a website interactive. Qwik allows you to conduct the same level of development with efficient execution and trimmed JavaScript. Therefore, it gets you rid of slow loading times, network consumption, and compromised startup times. How Qwik is Overtaking Other Frameworks? Ultimate User Experience What do you expect from a framework that enables you to build a lightning-fast website? First and foremost, an amazing user experience out of the box! With JavaScript streaming, Qwik delivers digital products optimized for CWV scores regardless of the complexity of your project. Also, the framework works with Data Fetching that prevents waterfall delays and sustains the performance even on devices with unstable networks. Integrations Despite using a minified code, Qwik can still make your website highly capable with its exclusive integrations. You can write your application in a hosting provider and deploy it in various adaptors from Azure Cloudflare to Google Cloud Run. Additionally, Qwik supports UI components and libraries including QwikUI, Papanasi UI, Material UI, ChakraUI, and Radix. All this with just a command “npx quik add” and Qwik will give you access to a complete list to hunt for integrations. Interoperability Nothing can compete with Qwik when it comes to interoperability or just say communications between the devices. You have Qwik-React designed for lazy hydrating the React components to speed up your React application. The framework allows you to leverage the React ecosystem and migrate it over to Qwik for ultimate interoperability. Productive Developer Experience Not only does it ensure optimum user experience, but Qwik also unlocks a productive development environment for the developers. The framework features Directory-Based Routing and Middleware Logic ensuring convenient website creation and deployment. Moreover, its familiar JSX and unified execution model bolsters both front-end and back-end development in a single application codebase. Even if you’re looking to pin functions specifically to a server or browser, you can do it easily with “server$()”. Community of Passionate Developers Qwik is a globally connected framework with an exclusive community of developers from all around the world. The motivating and supportive community always appreciates sharing ideas and pushing the boundaries of the framework’s potential. Not to mention, the Discord community is evolving and community members are always available to answer your questions and resolve your queries. Whether it’s a bug or a general query, you can quickly reach out to the community and enjoy an unmatched development experience. Understanding Resumability & Lazy Loading Resumability: Enhancing Application Efficiency Resumability is a powerful feature allowing a program to pause its execution at a specific point and later resume from that point. Resumability enables developers to optimize resource utilization. This is particularly beneficial in scenarios where long-running operations or resource-intensive tasks are involved. With the Qwik Framework, developers can leverage resumability to create more robust and responsive applications. Qwik provides mechanisms that enable the serialization of the application state, allowing for seamless pausing and resuming of execution. This empowers developers to build applications that can handle interruptions, such as network failures or user interactions, with grace. By symbolizing resumability, the Qwik Framework ensures that developers can create applications that are not only efficient but also resilient to various disruptions. Lazy Loading: Improving Performance through On-Demand Loading Lazy loading is a technique that enhances application performance by deferring the loading of certain resources until they are needed. Instead of loading all resources upfront, lazy loading enables the on-demand loading of data, components, or modules when they are required during runtime. Qwik Framework leverages lazy loading to optimize application performance. By splitting an application into smaller, independently loadable units, Qwik allows loading of only the necessary components when needed. This approach reduces the initial load time of an application and improves its responsiveness. Additionally, lazy loading can also save bandwidth and reduce memory usage, making it particularly useful for large-scale applications or those accessed over slower network connections. Conclusion: All right! Here you have industry’s most efficient JavaScript framework that is 10x faster than its alternatives. As discussed above, Qwik can split the application into independent units that only load whenever required. Similarly, the framework can isolate the segments and hydrate them to offer blazing-fast load speed and optimize the site performance. Especially if you’re working with Qwik v1.0, you can unlock all the features that we have discussed above. Whether you are an enterprise or just working on a complex project, an experienced developer is always worthwhile. Having a professional Qwik developer at your side makes the development more productive and gets you the best out of your investment.

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