Django 5.0: What is New in It?

Django is an open-source Python web framework. It makes the web development process fast and straightforward through its collection of modules.  Since its initial release in 2005, the framework has come a long way. With every new update, it is getting more and more robust.  Let’s discover what new features and updates it brings in Django 5.0.   Significant Updates in Django 5.0 Released on 4 December 2023, Django 5.0 introduces numerous updates to enhance the web development experience.  Some of the primary improvements in Django are as per below:   Straightforward Rendering of Form Fields One of the notable improvements you can notice in Django 5.0 is that Form Fields are easy to render now. Form fields in Django have numerous elements, such as descriptive labels, help text, error labels, etc.  It was always tiresome to lay out all manually. Thankfully in this new version, you don’t need to bother about it. Django 5 features field group templates. These templates simplify the rendering of all form field components, such as widgets, help text, labels, errors, and more.  Earlier:   <form> … <div> {{ }} {% if %} <div class="helptext" id="{{ }}_helptext"> {{|safe }} </div> {% endif %} {{ }} {{ }} <div class="row"> <div class="col"> {{ }} {% if %} <div class="helptext" id="{{ }}_helptext"> {{|safe }} </div> {% endif %} {{ }} {{ }} </div> <div class="col"> {{ form.password.label_tag }} {% if form.password.help_text %} <div class="helptext" id="{{ form.password.auto_id }}_helptext"> {{ form.password.help_text|safe }} </div> {% endif %} {{ form.password.errors }} {{ form.password }} </div> </div> </div> … </form> Now: <form> … <div> {{ }} <div class="row"> <div class="col">{{ }}</div> <div class="col">{{ form.password.as_field_group }}</div> </div> </div> … </form>   Database Generated Model Field The database-generated model field is another prominent update you can notice in Django 5.0.   The latest GeneratedField in Django lets users create database-generated columns. The good thing is that all database backends support it. It is going to be beneficial for fields computed from other fields. For example: from django.db import models from django.db.models import F class Square(models.Model): side = models.IntegerField() area = models.GeneratedField( expression=F("side") * F("side"), output_field=models.BigIntegerField(), db_persist=True, )   This function can significantly improve the efficiency of the database. Moreover, it maintains the integrity of data. Python Compatibility Django is keeping pace with the ever-evolving Python language. With Django 5.0, users can relish the latest Python features and improvements. This new version supports Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.  Not only does it ensure the best performance but also improves security. Now developers can relish the full potential of Django 5.0.   Facet Filters in the Admin The Django 5.0 comes with facet counts for applied filters on the admin change list.  Developers can toggle this feature using UI (User Interface). It improves the admin interface by presenting facet counts alongside filters.  Users can now get a quick insight into the distribution of data.   Write Field Choice Easily In the earlier version of Django, it was challenging to list field choices. Users had to make an inconvenient arrangement of 2-tuples or Enumeration subclasses to list the choices available to Field.choices and ChoiceField.choices objects.  See the following example: HQ_LOCATIONS = [ ("United States", [("nyc", "New York"), ("la", "Los Angeles")]), ("Japan", [("tokyo", "Tokyo"), ("osaka", "Osaka")]), ("virtual", "Anywhere"), ] Nevertheless, this latest version lets you use concise declarations with the help of dictionary mappings: HQ_LOCATIONS = { "United States": {"nyc": "New York", "la": "Los Angeles"}, "Japan": {"tokyo": "Tokyo", "osaka": "Osaka"}, "virtual": "Anywhere", }   It simplifies choices to encode as literals.  AsyncClient Django 5.0 features additional asynchronous methods to the Client as well as AsyncClient. It supports asynchronous testing of Django applications. Users can now create tests that replicate the asynchronous behavior of the application.    Database-Computed Default Values Django 5.0 lets you define database-computed default values. It means you get more powerful and accurate default settings.  The new `Field.db_default` parameter enables users to set database-computed default values for model fields quickly. It is specifically helpful for time stamps or calculated fields. Although it is a minor change, it will have a substantial impact on the integrity of your data. Users can define default values using database functions.   Features Deprecated in 5.0 Django 5.0 also has abolished a few old features. Therefore, you must check whether your code relies on any of them. If yes, you will need to update it accordingly.  These features were depreciated in previous versions.  Some notable ones include: Serialize test setting is no longer available. The undocumented django.utils.baseconv module is abolished. You can’t use undocumented django.utils.datetime_safe module anymore. The USE_TZ setting now has a default value of True. Earlier, it was false.   Conclusion Django 5.0 introduces numerous updates and features that take the web development game to the next level. The platform has solidified its position as a powerful and versatile web framework.  It has turned into a crucial tool for building websites and web applications. Enhanced flexibility in declaring field choices, improved performance, and numerous security features make it one of the best Python web frameworks.  I’ve been working with Django since version 0.96 (2007), so if you need help with it, Contact Now

Next.js 13.5: Exploring Features and Improvements

Next.js 13.5 Exploring Features and Improvements

Next.js is an open-source JavaScript framework built using React. It helps web developers make user-friendly web applications and static websites. This renowned React framework has come with its latest version, Next.js 13.5. With each new version, Next.js is getting more powerful.  Released on September 19, 2023, this new edition has taken the world by storm. Let us find out what is new about it. This blog explores the exciting Next.js 13.5 features and improvements.      Fast Page Loading The latest version of Next.js supports quick page loading. Next.js 13.5 has optimized its core framework. Therefore, web applications load faster without compromising on user experience.  The version 13.5 features built-in optimization for fonts, scripts, images, and application scripts.    Image Improvements Next.js 13.5 comes with robust image optimization capabilities. In comparison to previous versions, Next.js 13.5 is better in image resizing and compression. As a result, you can deliver your images in a perfect size and format. In addition to this, the framework has added an experimental function unstable_getImgProps(). It supports different use cases without using the <Image> component.  Now you can: Work with background-image or image-set. Use <picture> media queries to carry out Art Direction or Light/Dark mode images. Work with canvas context.drawImage() or new Image(). Moreover, now the placeholder prop provides support for arbitrary data: image/ for placeholder images.    Improved Startup and Refresh Time Other Next.js 13.5 improvements that are worth mentioning include fast startups and refreshes. You can notice a significant improvement in refresh and startup time. The framework is now more reliable for App router applications.  If you compare this new version with the previous Next.js 13.4, it is about 22% faster in local server startup and 29% quicker in HMR (Refresh). Apart from this, it uses about 40% less memory. Next.js 13.5 has optimized expensive file system operations and removed redundant blocking synchronous calls.   Caching in Next.js Apps Caching has a crucial role in web application development. It has a direct impact on user experience and performance. Besides this, it minimizes the operation cost of the application by storing rendering work and data requests.  Next.js 13.5 allows users to retrieve the stored version of web applications. Since users do not fetch data from scratch every time, they experience fast web loading.  Next.js 13.5 supports numerous caching mechanisms. It makes it easier for developers to carry out client-side caching.  Some prominent caching mechanisms in Next.js 13.5 include:   Data Cache Data Cache is one of the vital Next.js 13.5 updates. It stores the results of different data fetches across server requests and deployments.  As a result, once data is fetched and stored, users can access it quickly in subsequent requests. Since the results are not coming from the source, it takes less time.    Request Memoization This caching mechanism helps the server to remember the return values of functions. For instance, if the same data is being requested repeatedly in a React component tree, Next.js stores the data instead of fetching it over again. It is beneficial when the same data needs to be accessed.   Full Route Cache As the name suggests, this mechanism caches the full HTML. Besides this, it also stores the React Server Component payload of a route on the server. It naturally minimizes the cost of rendering.   Router Cache Next.js also stores the cache on the client’s side. It keeps the record of the React Server Component payload for every route segment. The router cache enhances the navigation experience by storing earlier visited routes and prefetching possible future routes.   Improved Experience for Developer With the release of every Next.js version, the framework gets better in the developer experience. The developers can notice a noteworthy improvement in TypeScript support, documentation, and error messages. In addition to this, you get access to Next.js CLI. This tool helps you see updates for project setup and management.    Metadata API Metadata API is a crucial addition to Next.js 13.5. With this Next.js 13.5 feature, you do not need to struggle with SEO metatags. Earlier, users had to create a file (head.js) to set the metatags for SEO. Next.js version 13.5 features a new way of handling static and dynamic metadata. You can export objects with static information. For dynamic data, you can export functions. This approach is more helpful for managing metadata efficiently.   Stable App Router A stable app router is one of the prominent Next.js 13.5 benefits. Now you can use React server components, nested routes & layouts, and simplified data fetching confidently. These updated server components will help you build apps faster.   Conclusion It is imperative to stay informed with the evolving world of web development and its latest technologies. Today, Next.js is a keystone of react-based web development. With Next.js 13.5, you enjoy a range of new features and improvements. Whether it is a developer experience, performance, or security, Next.js 13.5 can keep you ahead in the competitive web development world.

Django vs Flask — Which Python Framework is Perfect for Your Web Development Process?

Django vs Flask

When it comes to web development in Python, two prominent frameworks stand out: Django and Flask. These frameworks offer developers a robust foundation to build powerful web applications efficiently. Based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, Django is favored for large-scale, complex projects. On the other hand, Flask is a microframework offering a lightweight and flexible approach, empowering developers to have greater control over the application structure. Both platforms have exclusive capabilities and drawbacks complicating the decision-making. In this article, we’ll delve into the technical aspects and industrial attributes of Django and Flask to help you make an informed decision for your web development endeavors. So, let’s get started! Django — Self-Sufficient Web Framework From the house of the Django Software Foundation, Django is a robust and scalable web framework known for its “batteries-included” philosophy. With built-in features and packages, Django promotes rapid development by minimizing the need for external dependencies. Its core components include an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer, a template engine, form handling, authentication, and authorization. Django’s ORM simplifies database interactions, allowing seamless integration with various database systems. The framework follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, providing a clear separation of concerns. Additionally, the admin interface offers an out-of-the-box solution for managing application data, making it a popular choice for content-heavy websites. Flask — Minimalistic Microframework Flask is a lightweight and flexible micro-framework designed for simplicity and minimalism. Developed by Armin Ronacher, it provides a solid foundation for web development, offering developers greater control over the application structure. It follows a “micro” philosophy, providing essential tools and leaving the choice of additional libraries to the developers. Furthermore, the framework leverages the Werkzeug toolkit for handling routing and the Jinja2 template engine for rendering dynamic content. Its flexibility and scalability make Flask an excellent choice for small to medium-sized projects, RESTful APIs, and microservices. In addition to its features, the active community and extensive documentation ensure continuous support and updates, contributing to its widespread adoption. Comparison of Django and Flask Based on Industrial Attributes Development Capabilities Django’s batteries-included approach provides a wide array of built-in features, making development faster and more efficient. Its robust ORM simplifies database interactions, while the template engine streamlines UI development. Besides, Flask offers greater flexibility allowing developers to choose and integrate only the necessary components. This makes Flask ideal for lightweight and highly customizable applications. So, Django’s extensive feature set makes it better suited for complex projects that require rapid development and adherence to best practices. If you’re working on smaller projects that require fine-grained control over the application structure, Flask can be a great choice. Scalability Django’s scalability is what makes it a perfect choice for large-scale applications. With its ability to handle heavy workloads, Django’s robust architecture and efficient request handling ensure optimal performance. On the other hand, Flask is inherently scalable, allowing developers to add or remove components as needed. It features a modular design and customizable nature that enables developers to optimize performance for specific use cases. Architecture As discussed above, Django follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. This promotes code organization and maintainability, making it easier for multiple developers to collaborate on a project. By default, Flask works with the MVT pattern and offers a similar structure but with a more flexible design. Developers have more freedom to choose how to structure their projects and interact with components. Components and Reutilization Django is famous for its comprehensive set of built-in components, such as the ORM, template engine, and authentication system. As it reduces external dependencies, this promotes code reusability and reduces development time. While Flask provides greater flexibility, it still requires developers to rely on external packages for specific functionality. Flask’s modular design facilitates component reusability, enabling developers to build custom solutions tailored to their project requirements. Community and Support Django boasts a large and active community, with numerous contributors and a wealth of resources available. The community-driven nature of Django ensures continuous development, frequent updates, and comprehensive documentation. This support system provides assistance, encourages best practices, and addresses issues promptly. Flask also enjoys an active community, although smaller in comparison to Django. However, Flask’s community thrives on its simplicity and flexibility, offering extensive documentation and a range of community-contributed extensions. While Django’s larger community offers broader support, Flask’s community provides a close-knit environment for developers seeking minimalistic solutions. Establishment and Updates With its long history, Django has established itself as a mature and stable framework, trusted by many large-scale projects and enterprises. Its consistent updates, bug fixes, and security patches ensure reliability and compatibility with the latest technologies. Despite being a younger framework, Flask has also gained substantial popularity and has seen regular updates, although at a relatively smaller scale. Flask’s updates focus on maintaining stability and introducing new features based on community feedback. Testing Django provides a robust testing framework as part of its core, enabling developers to write comprehensive tests for their applications. Its testing utilities simplify unit testing, integration testing, and user interaction testing. Flask, being a microframework, does not include a built-in testing framework. However, Flask integrates seamlessly with popular Python testing libraries such as pytest and unittest, offering flexibility in choosing the desired testing approach. Both frameworks promote test-driven development and provide the necessary tools and extensions for efficient and thorough testing. End of the Line In conclusion, the choice between Django and Flask ultimately depends on the specific requirements and goals of your web development project. Django’s batteries-included approach, mature ecosystem, and adherence to MVC architecture make it an excellent choice for large-scale, complex applications On the other hand, Flask’s lightweight and flexible nature, coupled with its simplicity and customizability, make it ideal for smaller projects, RESTful APIs, and microservices. It empowers developers to have fine-grained control over the application structure and offers the freedom to choose and integrate only the necessary components. Consider your project’s scale, complexity, customization needs, and community support when making your decision, ensuring the best fit for your web development process.

Kubernetes Persistent Volumes — 5 Detailed Steps to Create PVs


If you want to persist data in Kubernetes, you may utilize the readable and writable disk space available in Pods as a convenient option. But one thing you must know is that the disk space depends on the lifecycle of Pod. Unsurprisingly, your application development process features independent storage available for every node and can handle cluster crashes. Kubernetes Persistent Volumes got your back with their independent lifecycle and great compatibility for stateful applications. This article will lead you to 5 extensive steps to create and implement persistent volumes in your cluster. Before that, let’s dig down to know what exactly persistent volumes in Kubernetes are along with some important terms! Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes A Kubernetes Persistent Volume is a provisioned storage in a cluster and works as a cluster resource. It’s a volume plugin for Kubernetes with an independent lifecycle and no dependency on the existence of a particular pod. Unlike containers, you can read, write and manage your databases without worrying about disk crashes because of restart or termination of the pod. As a shared unit, all the containers in a pod can access the PV and can restore the database even if an individual container crashes. Here are some important terms you must know! Access Modes The accessModes represent the nodes and pods that can access the volume. The field ReadWriteOnce defines every pod having access to read and write the data in a single mode. If you’re using Kubernetes v1.22, you can read or write access on a single node using ReadWriteOncePod. Volume Mode The volumeMode field is mounting functionality of volume into the pods based on a pre-set directory. It defines the behaviour of volume in each Filesystem of a pod. Alternatively, you can use a volume as a raw block storage without any configuration with a Block field. Storage Classes As the name describes, storage classes are the different storage types you can use according to the hosting environment of your cluster. For instance, you can choose azurefile-csi for Microsoft Azure Kubernetes (AKS) clusters while do-block-storage is great for DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes. Creating a Persistent Volume Step 1: YAML file The process of creating Kubernetes persistent volumes starts with creating a YAML file. The storage configuration represents a simple persistent volume of 1 Gi capacity. Here’s how you can create a YAML file for your PV in Kubernetes: apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: example-pv spec: accessModes: ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 1Gi storageClassName: standard volumeMode: Filesystem Step 2: Adding Volume to the Cluster Once you have created the Persistent Volume, you can add your new persistent volume to your cluster. We recommend using Kubectl for this to make it easier. To add new persistent volume, run: $ kubectl apply -f pv.yaml If you see the following error message while running the command, The PersistentVolume "example-pv" is invalid: spec: Required value: must specify a volume type Try using dynamic volume creation which will automatically create a persistent volume whenever it’s used. That’s because the cloud providers usually restrict allocating inactive storage in the cluster and dynamic volume can be your good-to-go option. Step 3: Linking Volumes to Pods Linking PVs with the pods requires the request to read/write files in a volume. Here the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) can get you access to the example-pv volume. Let’s see how an example volume claim looks like! apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: example-pvc spec: storageClassName: "" volumeName: example-pv As discussed above, you may need dynamic volume creation in some scenarios. You can request a claim for that in the way mentioned below. apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: example-pvc spec: accessModes: – ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi storageClassName: standard Now, you have unlocked accessModes and storageClassName fields after the claim. All you need to do is to apply the claim to your cluster using Kubectl. Run the following command to quickly apply the claim to your cluster. $ kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml persistentvolumeclaim/example-pvc created In the last, use the volumes and volumeMount fields to link the claim to your pods. This will add pv to your containers section of the manifest and make the files overlive the container instances. To link the claim, run: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod-with-pvc spec: containers: name: pvc-container image: nginx:latest volumeMounts: – mountPath: /pv-mount name: pv volumes: – name: pv persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: example-pvc Step 4: Demonstrating Persistence In the demonstration, you can verify the behaviour of PV in different scenarios. Let’s take a quick example for better understanding. Get a shell to the pod: $ kubectl exec –stdin –tty pod-with-pvc — sh Write a file to the /pv-mount directory mounted to: $ echo "This file is persisted" > /pv-mount/demo Detach the file from the container: $ exit Delete the pod using kubectl: $ kubectl delete pods/pod-with-pvc pod "pod-with-pvc" deleted Recreate the pod: $ kubectl apply -f pvc-pod.yaml pod/pod-with-pvc created Get a shell to the container and read the file: $ kubectl exec –stdin –tty pod-with-pvc — sh $ cat /pv-mount/demo This file is persisted Step 5: Managing Persistent Volumes Kubectl allows you to manage your Kubernetes Persistent Volumes whether you want to retrieve a list or remove a volume. To retrieve a list of PVs, run: $ kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-f90a46bd-fac0-4cb5-b020-18b3e74dd3b6 1Gi RWO Delete Bound pv-demo/example-pvc do-block-storage 7m52s Review persistent volume claims: $ kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE example-pvc Bound pvc-f90a46bd-fac0-4cb5-b020-18b3e74dd3b6 1Gi RWO do-block-storage 9m Sometimes, a volume or PV claim may show a Pending status as the storage class is yet to provision storage. But you can check what’s slowing down the claim process in object’s event history with describe command. $ kubectl describe pvc example-pvc … Events: Type Reason Age From Message —- —— —- —- ——- Normal Provisioning 9m30s dobs.csi.digitalocean.com_master_68ea6d30-36fe-4f9f-9161-0db299cb0a9c External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "pv-demo/example-pvc" Normal ProvisioningSucceeded 9m24s dobs.csi.digitalocean.com_master_68ea6d30-36fe-4f9f-9161-0db299cb0a9c Successfully provisioned volume pvc-f90a46bd-fac0-4cb5-b020-18b3e74dd3b6 Conclusion: By combining Kubernetes and Persistent Volumes, you can effectively and easily

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