
it consulting startups

PeerTV developed set-top boxes for home internet TV. The company supplied both the boxes themselves and all the relevant firmware and software. I joined the company to develop the content management system. We were a team of 2 people and we built it using the Django (Python) framework. The system had multiple parts: We worked with many big TV content providers from different countries. And it was super interesting, since we customized both the software and the hardware with the customer’s theme. Many times, customers were coming to our offices and I was working with them directly to adjust our management system to their specific needs.  Later on, when the system was solid enough, I taught a few junior guys Python and Django almost from scratch, so they will be able to maintain the system after my leave.



The company developed different kinds of solutions for video and audio communications.  I joined a CTO who wanted to build a cloud solution for controlling incoming calls inside some institute or organization. For example, it could be a call center which defines its own rules for the incoming calls or a bank who wants to help their online customers while keeping a small support team as effective as possible. One of the customers was a prison that wanted to schedule incoming video calls for the prisoners for some limited amount of time. The CTO I worked with was an expert in all the relevant communication techniques and low level bits and bytes of all the video/audio codecs and protocols. But it was his first experience with cloud solutions.  The product we built consisted of multiple different parts. On the one hand it had to include all the relevant components for the smooth connection of multiple call participants. On the other hand, it had to include all the customer’s logic for connecting these calls. In addition, we had to supply some SDK to the customer, so even non-technical people can use it in order to build their algorithms and be able to test them in a standalone sandbox environment. So eventually we came up with the following architecture:

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