Qwik Framework — Symbolizing Resumability & Serialization

Qwik Framework

An efficient JavaScript framework can build a road to success in your front-end development. Well, we live in a furiously innovative world with a variety of JavaScript Frameworks outperforming each other. But the Qwik stands out as a blazing fast yet developer-friendly framework designed to streamline your development process. Thanks to resumability and lazy loading, Qwik is 5-10 times faster than all the existing JavaScript frameworks. Meanwhile, its productive features and convenience to use craft a perfect environment for complex front-end development. Since there’s a lot to cover about Qwik, we have incorporated everything you need to know in this guide. Let’s start with understanding the framework itself and there’s a lot more waiting for you in the queue! What is Qwik? — A Solution to Developer Problems! Developed by the creator of Angular, Qwik is an open-source frontend framework known for offering super-fast page load speed and efficiency. It delivers HTML with minified JavaScript featuring the necessary elements only for an incredible performance. Thanks to its fine-grained architecture, Qwik can isolate the segments and hydrate them so that they can be used whenever required. The framework has reached a new potential with the v1.0 update offering better optimized rendering time and features like Lazy execution. Generally, developers need to incorporate a glut of JavaScript to make a website interactive. Qwik allows you to conduct the same level of development with efficient execution and trimmed JavaScript. Therefore, it gets you rid of slow loading times, network consumption, and compromised startup times. How Qwik is Overtaking Other Frameworks? Ultimate User Experience What do you expect from a framework that enables you to build a lightning-fast website? First and foremost, an amazing user experience out of the box! With JavaScript streaming, Qwik delivers digital products optimized for CWV scores regardless of the complexity of your project. Also, the framework works with Data Fetching that prevents waterfall delays and sustains the performance even on devices with unstable networks. Integrations Despite using a minified code, Qwik can still make your website highly capable with its exclusive integrations. You can write your application in a hosting provider and deploy it in various adaptors from Azure Cloudflare to Google Cloud Run. Additionally, Qwik supports UI components and libraries including QwikUI, Papanasi UI, Material UI, ChakraUI, and Radix. All this with just a command “npx quik add” and Qwik will give you access to a complete list to hunt for integrations. Interoperability Nothing can compete with Qwik when it comes to interoperability or just say communications between the devices. You have Qwik-React designed for lazy hydrating the React components to speed up your React application. The framework allows you to leverage the React ecosystem and migrate it over to Qwik for ultimate interoperability. Productive Developer Experience Not only does it ensure optimum user experience, but Qwik also unlocks a productive development environment for the developers. The framework features Directory-Based Routing and Middleware Logic ensuring convenient website creation and deployment. Moreover, its familiar JSX and unified execution model bolsters both front-end and back-end development in a single application codebase. Even if you’re looking to pin functions specifically to a server or browser, you can do it easily with “server$()”. Community of Passionate Developers Qwik is a globally connected framework with an exclusive community of developers from all around the world. The motivating and supportive community always appreciates sharing ideas and pushing the boundaries of the framework’s potential. Not to mention, the Discord community is evolving and community members are always available to answer your questions and resolve your queries. Whether it’s a bug or a general query, you can quickly reach out to the community and enjoy an unmatched development experience. Understanding Resumability & Lazy Loading Resumability: Enhancing Application Efficiency Resumability is a powerful feature allowing a program to pause its execution at a specific point and later resume from that point. Resumability enables developers to optimize resource utilization. This is particularly beneficial in scenarios where long-running operations or resource-intensive tasks are involved. With the Qwik Framework, developers can leverage resumability to create more robust and responsive applications. Qwik provides mechanisms that enable the serialization of the application state, allowing for seamless pausing and resuming of execution. This empowers developers to build applications that can handle interruptions, such as network failures or user interactions, with grace. By symbolizing resumability, the Qwik Framework ensures that developers can create applications that are not only efficient but also resilient to various disruptions. Lazy Loading: Improving Performance through On-Demand Loading Lazy loading is a technique that enhances application performance by deferring the loading of certain resources until they are needed. Instead of loading all resources upfront, lazy loading enables the on-demand loading of data, components, or modules when they are required during runtime. Qwik Framework leverages lazy loading to optimize application performance. By splitting an application into smaller, independently loadable units, Qwik allows loading of only the necessary components when needed. This approach reduces the initial load time of an application and improves its responsiveness. Additionally, lazy loading can also save bandwidth and reduce memory usage, making it particularly useful for large-scale applications or those accessed over slower network connections. Conclusion: All right! Here you have industry’s most efficient JavaScript framework that is 10x faster than its alternatives. As discussed above, Qwik can split the application into independent units that only load whenever required. Similarly, the framework can isolate the segments and hydrate them to offer blazing-fast load speed and optimize the site performance. Especially if you’re working with Qwik v1.0, you can unlock all the features that we have discussed above. Whether you are an enterprise or just working on a complex project, an experienced developer is always worthwhile. Having a professional Qwik developer at your side makes the development more productive and gets you the best out of your investment.

Angular v16 — An Ultimate Game Changer

Angular v16

Angular, the popular JavaScript framework, has been continuously evolving to meet the demands of modern web development. With each major release, Angular brings new features, enhancements, and optimizations. Angular v16 is no exception, and it introduces several groundbreaking changes that make it an ultimate game changer for developers. In this article, we will explore the top new inclusions and exclusions in Angular v16 and discuss how they revolutionize the development experience. So, let’s get started! What’s New in Angular v16? — Top New Inclusions and Exclusions Binding router Information to Component Inputs First and foremost, Angular v16 allows you to bind router information to component inputs to eliminate boilerplate code during development. You can access the router data including resolved router data, params, and queryParams without using ActivatedRoute. That’s because this new feature gets the router data available as input in the component itself. So, you can use those inputs to fetch the values instead of messing up with ActivatedRoute. Here’s an example: // Current approach, which would still work @Component({ … }) class SomeComponent { route = inject(ActivatedRoute); data = this.route.snapshot.data['dataKey']; params = this.route.snapshot.params['paramKey'] } //New approach @Component({ … }) class SomeComponent { @Input() dataKey: string; @Input() paramKey: string; //or @Input() set dataKey(value: string){ //react to the value }; @Input() set paramKey(value: string){ //react to the value }; } Angular Signals Angular Signals is a new feature in Angular v16 that enables the communication between components using a publish-subscribe pattern. It allows components to emit signals and subscribe to signals emitted by other components. This feature promotes loose coupling and makes it easier to build modular and reusable components. import { Component, Signal } from '@angular/core'; @component ({ selector:'app-parent', template: ' <button (click)="sendieszage()*>Send Mezzage</button>' }) export class Parentcoponent { @Signa1() messagesignal: Eventemstter<string>; sendMessage() { this.messageSignal.emit('Hello from parent!'); } } @Component({ semprater: 'app-child', template: ' <div>{{ message }} </div>' }) export class ChildComponent { constructon(@signal() messageSignal: EventEmitter<string>){ messageSignal.subscribe((message) => { this: message = message; }); } message: string; } In this example, the `ParentComponent` emits a signal when the button is clicked, and the `ChildComponent` subscribes to that signal and displays the message. RxJS Interoperability Angular v16 brings improved interoperability with RxJS, making it easier to work with observables and leverage the power of reactive programming. The new `@rxjs` package provides decorators and utilities for integrating RxJS into Angular components seamlessly. For instance, you can use the `@rxjs/debounceTime` decorator to debounce user input in an Angular component: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { debounce } from '@rxjs/debounceTime'; @component ({ selector:'app-example', template: ' <input (input)="handleInput($event.target.value)"/>' }) export class ExampleComponent { @debounceTime(300) handleInput(value: string){ // Perform operations with debounced value } } The `@rxjs/debounceTime` decorator automatically applies the `debounceTime` operator to the `handleInput` method, simplifying the usage of RxJS operators within Angular components. DestroyRef Managing subscriptions and resources in Angular components can be a challenge. Angular v16 introduces the `DestroyRef` interface, which simplifies the cleanup process when a component is destroyed. By implementing the `DestroyRef` interface, you can automatically unsubscribe from subscriptions and perform cleanup tasks when the component is destroyed: import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { Subscription } from '@rxjs'; import { DestroyReg } from '@angular/destroy-ref'; @Component ({ selector:'app-example', template: ' <p>Example Component</p>' }) export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, DestroyReg { private subscription: Subscription; ngOnInit(){ this.subscription = /* … */; // Initialize subscription } ngOnDestroy(){ this.ngOnDestroy(); } } The `DestroyRef` interface ensures that the `onDestroy` method is called automatically when the component is destroyed, reducing the risk of memory leaks and resource wastage. Non-Destruction Hydration Angular v16 introduces non-destruction hydration, a feature that improves the performance of hydration during server-side rendering (SSR). In previous versions, Angular would destroy and recreate components during hydration, which could be costly in terms of performance. With non-destruction hydration, Angular now preserves the existing component instances during hydration, enhancing SSR performance. This change significantly reduces the overhead of rendering on the server and improves the overall user experience import { Component, NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule, TransferState } from '@angular/platform-browser'; @Component ({ selector:'app-root', template: ' <h1>{{ title }}</h1> <p>{{ content }}</p>' }) export class AppComponent { title: string; content: string; constructor(private transferDtate: TransferState) { // Retrieve data from server-side Iendering const data = this.transferState.get<any>('pageData', {}); this.title = data.title; this.content = data.content; } } @NgModule({ declarations: [AppComponent], imports: [BrowserModule.widthServerTransition({ appId: 'my-app'})], providers: [TransferState], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {} In this example, we have an AppComponent that displays a title and content. During server-side rendering, the data is transferred using TransferState and stored in the state. When the Angular application is initialized on the client side, the AppComponent constructor retrieves the data from TransferState and assigns it to the component properties. This way, the component is hydrated without destroying and recreating it, improving the performance of server-side rendering. CSP Support for inline-styles Content Security Policy (CSP) is an important security mechanism to protect web applications against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. In Angular v16, inline styles are now compatible with CSP restrictions. This means that you can safely use inline styles within your Angular templates while adhering to CSP rules. The Angular compiler in v16 generates the necessary hashes for inline styles, ensuring they are safely executed within the CSP policy. This change provides more flexibility for developers to style their components without compromising security. Exclusion of ngcc In previous versions of Angular, the ngcc (Angular Compatibility Compiler) was used to compile and transform third-party libraries to be compatible with the Angular Ivy compiler. However, Angular v16 removes the need for ngcc altogether. With the advancements in Ivy and the ecosystem’s migration to Ivy-compatible libraries, ngcc is no longer required. This simplifies the build process and improves the overall build performance, making Angular projects faster to compile and deploy. Esbuild dev server Angular v16 introduces a new dev server powered by Esbuild, a fast JavaScript bundler. The Esbuild dev server significantly reduces the startup time of Angular applications during development. It achieves this by leveraging the speed

How the New TypeScript 4.9+ Streamlines the Type Safety in Storybook 7.0?


TypeScript is popularly used for JavaScript extension and data specification in the industry. As it reports unmatched types, writing in TypeScript can ensure productivity and optimal developer experience while coding. If we are onto using TypeScript, Storybook 7.0 is worth mentioning. That’s because it allows you to write in TypeScript without any configuration setup and boost your experience with built-in APIs. With the launch of Storybook 7.0, the tool rectified all the pain points in the previous version. Now, you get a combination of CSF 3 and the new TypeScript 4.9+ operator to bolster accuracy and safety. Read on to explore how this combination can make your coding more productive and safer while using the latest Storybook 7.0. Storybook 7.0 — An Introduction to Update 8/18 Storybook 7.0 or update 8/18 is a core upgrade of Storybook focused on better interaction testing and user experience. You get 3.5% more screen space for Canvas with over 196 icons available for complete customizations. By the same token, Storybook 7.0 is more compatible in integrating with Remix, Qwik, and SolidJS. The also features some documentation upgrades such as MDX 2 and simplified import of stories. Lastly, the most exclusive upgrade is the combination of TypeScript 4.9+ and CSF3. Let’s see what makes it a big highlight! What is TypeScript 4.9+? TypeScript 4.9+ is a statically-typed superset of JavaScript that provides additional features such as type annotations, interfaces, and generics. It enables developers to write more maintainable and scalable code by catching potential errors at compile-time rather than runtime. One of the key benefits of using TypeScript with Storybook 7.0 is that it allows developers to specify the expected types of props and events for each component. This ensures that any components that use these props and events are properly typed and provide a clear contract for how they should be used. In addition to these benefits, TypeScript can also improve the documentation and discoverability of UI components in Storybook 7.0. By leveraging TypeScript’s support for JSDoc annotations, developers can document the expected usage of each component and generate API documentation automatically. Look at the difference between TypeScript types in Storybook 6 and Storybook 7.0 below. Combination of CSF3 Syntax and TypeScript 4.9+ In addition to TypeScript 4.9+, the Component Story Format (CSF) also received an upgrade from version CSF 2 to CSF3. The combination of both offer enhanced type safety, better in-editor type checking, and Codemod for easy upgrades. Here are the top elements of this incredible combination! StoryObj Type With the upgrade CSF3, you now get access to the StoryObj type that manipulates stories as objects and infers the type of component props. The feature was still there but the previous story was not so powerful to automatically infer prop types. On the other hand, this new syntax depreciates React-Specific ComponentMeta and ComponentStory using React, Vue, Svelte, and Angular. Check the result with a side-by-side comparison of CSF2 and CSF3 given below satisfies Operator satisfies Operator is the most useful feature of TypeScript 4.9+ for strict type checking. Pair CSF3 with satisfies operator to better type safety and fix unspecified/specified issues. Take a look at the below example where TypeScript is not raising any issue for unspecified label arg. If you use satisfies operator, you can fix that issue as we did below. // Button.stories.tsx import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react'; import { Button } from './Button'; const meta = { title: 'Example/Button', component: Button, } satisfies Meta<typeof Button>; export default meta; type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>; export const Primary: Story = { args: { primary: true, }, }; After fixing the issue, you can expect TypeScript to provide an error for unspecified arg. Auto-infer Component Level args Pairing the CSF and TypeScript is good but it will not infer the types automatically unless you specify the connection. In this scenario, TypeScript will show errors on the stories even if you have provided a label in meta-level args. That’s where auto-infer component level args come up to specify the connection between CSF and TypeScript. To make them understand the connection, you need to pass the typeof meta to StoryObj at both story and meta-level. Here’s how you can do it! // Button.stories.tsx import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react'; import { Button } from './Button'; const meta = { title: 'Example/Button', component: Button, args: { label: 'Default', }, } satisfies Meta<typeof Button>; export default meta; type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>; // 👇 TS won't complain about the "label" missing export const Primary: Story = { args: { primary: true, }, }; const Secondary: Story = { args: { disabled: false } }; const Disabled: Story = { args: { disabled: true } }; Vue As discussed above, Storybook 7.0 is more compatible with modern frameworks. Vue is the best example of that but you need to set up an ideal environment. Look for SFC files with vue-tsc and access the editor support in VSCode. Take a look at the Vue3 single file component. <script setup lang="ts"> defineProps<{ count: number, disabled: boolean }>() const emit = defineEmits<{ (e: 'increaseBy', amount: number): void; (e: 'decreaseBy', amount: number): void; }>(); </script> <template> <div class="card"> {{ count }} <button @click="emit('increaseBy', 1)" :disabled='disabled'> Increase by 1 </button> <button @click="$emit('decreaseBy', 1)" :disabled='disabled'> Decrease by 1 </button> </div> </template> Svelte Like Vue, Svelte features excellent support for TypeScript and enables .svelte files. You can utilize svelte-check and add VSCode editor support to run type checks. Consider the following component as an example. <script lang="ts"> import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte'; export let count: number; export let disabled: boolean; const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); </script> <div class="card"> {count} <button on:click={() => dispatch('increaseBy', 1)} {disabled}> Increase by 1 </button> <button on:click={() => dispatch('decreaseBy', 1)} {disabled}> Decrease by 1 </button> </div> Conclusion: Conclusively, the new TypeScript 4.9+ features in Storybook 7.0 have greatly improved the type safety and developer experience for creating UI components. With the addition of advanced type inference capabilities, developers can now create reusable components with

Level Up Your React Skills — Top 6 React Design Patterns to Try

Helpful Tips

Introduction With its incredible capabilities, React has overlapped the old-school CSS, HTML, and JavaScript offering ease of coding. The JavaScript library works with virtual DOM concepts and an exclusive range of developer tools instead of just manipulating the DOM. Developers usually run out of ideas with new concepts and ideas while coding. If you’re one of those looking to revamp your React skills, you must utilize React Design Patterns. Let’s explore them all! 6 Most Useful React Design Patterns to Try Container Components First and foremost, the container components pattern leads the list with its elite diversification functionality. It’s designed to separate data fetching/logic and events from the presentational components. As the presentational components are dumb components, they just render the data fetched and passed by the container component. Take a look at the example displaying the container component pattern for a movie app using React hooks. import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { movies } from '../data/movies'; import './movies.css'; const fetchMovies = () => {­­­ return movies; };­­­ const MovieContainer = () => { console.log(fetchMovies()); const [movies, setMovies] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const movies = fetchMovies(); console.log('MovieContainer: useEffect: movies: ', movies); setMovies(movies); }, []); return( <div className="movie-container"> <h2>Movies</h2> <ul className ="movie-list"> {movies.map(movie => ( <li key={movie.id} className="movie"> <img src={movie.poster} alt={movie.title} /> <p>{movie.title} by {movie.director} was released on {movie.year}</p> <p>Rating: {movie.rating}</p> </li> ))} </ul> </div> ); }; export default MovieContainer; Render Props In addition to conditional components, using render props can also be a great bet if you experience logic repetition. This pattern works with Prop which is equal to a function allowing you to share code between React components. With render props, you can enable a component to toggle visibility and render its content. Take a look at the below example for an expansive view! function Toggle({ children }) { const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false); function handleClick() { setIsVisible(!isVisible); } return children({ isVisible, toggle: handleClick }); } Conditional Rendering Conditional rendering is an ultimate technique designed to render specific UI components according to certain factors such as user input, component state, and more. If you’re looking to implement a conditional rendering pattern in React, you can do it with the ternary operator, Logical && Operator, and switch statements. Here’s how you can do it! Ternary Operator import React from "react"; function Greeting () { const isLoggedin = 'true' return ( <div> {isLoggedin ? (<h1>Welcome back, User</h1>) : (<h1>please login to continue</h1>)} </div> ) } export default Greeting Logical && Operator function ExampleComponent(props) { const isLoggedIn = props.isLoggedIn; return ( <div> {isLoggedIn && <p>Welcome back, user!</p>} {!isLoggedIn && <p>Please login to continue.</p>} </div> ); } Switch Statements function ExampleComponent(props) { const status = props.status; switch (status) { case "loading": return <LoadingIndicator />; case "error": return <ErrorMessage message={props.errorMessage} />; case "success": return <SuccessMessage message={props.successMessage} />; default: return null; } } Context API If we just dig into the default functionalities, React is set to pass props through every level of the component tree to pass data to a child component. With Context API, you can pass data at any level of the component tree without passing the props. The process to use React Context API starts with creating a context object with the createContext function. After this, it will allow you to use the provider component to take value prop for any type of data. Let’s make it work! import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import MyContext from './MyContext'; function App() { const data = { name: 'John', age: 30 }; return ( <MyContext.Provider value={data}> <ChildComponent /> </MyContext.Provider> ); } function ChildComponent() { return ( <MyContext.Consumer> {value => ( <div> <p>Name: {value.name}</p> <p>Age: {value.age}</p> </div> )} </MyContext.Consumer> ); } ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root')); HOCs Higher Order Components (HOCs) are JavaScript functions designed to add data and functionality to the component. They enable the reuse of component logic and allow you to share standard functionality between multiple components. Moreover, the best part is the HOC pattern doesn’t require duplicating the code to add functionalities to components. Just create a Hoc.js file with the following code: import React from "react"; const Hoc = (WrappedComponent, entity) => { return class extends React.Component { state = { data: [], term: "", }; componentDidMount() { const fetchData = async () => { const res = await fetch( `https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/${entity}` ); const json = await res.json(); this.setState({ …this.state, data: json }); }; fetchData(); } render() { let { term, data } = this.state; let filteredData = data.slice(0, 10).filter((d) => { if (entity === "users") { const { name } = d; return name.indexOf(term) >= 0; } if (entity === "todos") { const { title } = d; return title.indexOf(term) >= 0; } }); return ( <div> <h2>Users List</h2> <div> <input type="text" value={term} onChange={(e) => this.setState({ …this.state, term: e.target.value }) } /> </div> <WrappedComponent data={filteredData}></WrappedComponent> </div> ); } }; }; export default Hoc; Hooks Lastly, you have React Hooks as the most appreciated React Design Patterns. The pattern was introduced with React 16.8 update to enable developers to use React without any classes. Interestingly, you get over 15 pre-built React hooks in the library including Effect Hook and State Hook. Even if you’re looking for a custom hook, you can create your own hook from scratch or just modify the existing one according to your needs. Here we get you an example of using the useState hook known for tracking state in a function component. import { useState } from 'react'; function Counter() { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); return ( <> <p>Count: {count}</p> <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}> Increase </button> </> ); } Conclusion React has emerged as an essential part of today’s web development, offering versatile features that provide developers with an improved coding experience. However, it poses innate challenges while executing practical experiments. Solving these issues involves a great deal of attention and experimentation to understand modern design patterns and frameworks. Utilizing React Design Patterns is a great way to gain more insight into your projects and build cross-platform applications

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