Everything You Need to Know About It is an open-source guide for advanced web technologies. Both beginners and seasoned professionals can use this platform to grow their careers in tech. This post gives insight into the features and topics it covers.  If you want complete information about this platform, read this guide.   What is Started by Kamran Ahmed in 2019, offers educational content and guides on various web technologies, such as JavaScript, React, Node.js, DevOps, and more. What makes it different from other platforms is that it provides easy-to-follow roadmaps for each course. It helps users track their progress.   Features of Community-Driven  One of the primary benefits of using is that it is a community-driven platform.  Technology enthusiasts regularly update the content in their relevant technologies according to industry trends. Therefore, users get the latest content to study. As is an open-source platform, you learn the perspectives of multiple experts. Additionally, feedback and contributions from users continuously improve   Structured Learning presents all its roadmaps in a logical sequence. For each technology, you have a clear path to follow.  You can begin your journey from basics to advanced without any confusion. interactive flowcharts let you navigate through different topics easily. Just click on a specific topic to learn more about it.   Roadmaps for Various Fields has roadmaps for a diverse range of tech fields. Whether you want to be an expert in front-end development or back-end technologies, offers everything you need. You also get detailed visual guides for the following technologies. Frontend Development Backend Development Full Stack Development DevOps Engineer Android Developer iOS Developer Blockchain Developer QA Engineer   Technology Specific Guides In addition to roadmaps, you get in-depth resources for top programming languages and frameworks. These include: Kubernetes Python React Node.js Docker System Design   External Resources also provides links to external learning resources. You get access to tutorials and documentation. Professionals create these guides to supplement roadmaps.   Supported by Artificial Intelligence leverages AI to automate the creation of roadmaps. As artificial intelligence suggests relevant resources for the roadmaps, it saves developers time and effort.   Supports Contribution You can also contribute to the if you’re interested. Quick Overview of Popular Roadmaps in Front-End Development If you want to learn how to develop user interfaces and client-side applications, explore the front-end developer roadmap.  It covers topics like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Apart from this, users can also learn advanced front-end frameworks, including Angular, React, and Vue.js. From fundamental web technologies to core programming languages, this roadmap has content on all the major topics.   Back-end Development If you want to become proficient in server-side development, choose the back-end developer roadmap. It makes you familiar with the server-side aspect of web development. Moreover, you learn to manage the databases, server logic, and APIs. The back-end roadmap provides knowledge of coding languages like PHP, Java, Node.js, and Ruby.  In addition to this, it also guides you on how to work with relational databases, such as MySQL/PostgreSQL and with NoSQL databases.   DevOps Individuals who want to master DevOps must follow the DevOps roadmap. It has resources on operating systems and CI/CD pipelines. Additionally, you learn about containerization tools.   Database Administrator (DBA) The DBA roadmap is designed for people who want to learn about relational and non-relational databases.  You can learn about all major database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MongoDB. The roadmap covers various topics related to database scaling, security, and backups.   How to Use Using is pretty simple. Visit the website and choose the roadmap you want to learn. Each roadmap features an easy-to-follow flowchart breaking down topics into steps.  You can start your learning step-by-step, from basics to advanced.   Conclusion is one of the best tools available for individuals who want to build a career in software development. Experienced software engineers can use this platform to enhance their knowledge and skills.  You not only get expert insights from professionals but also learn about the latest industry trends. So use this platform to follow a clear path to success in the tech industry.  

Million.js: The Ultimate In-Depth Guide

Million.js The Ultimate In-Depth Guide

In the fast-paced world of web development, quick rendering and optimal performance are essential. While React is widely used for building apps and websites, its virtual DOM lacks the speed and support needed for some advanced applications. Million.js is the best-suited solution for such scenarios. This virtual DOM library improves rendering speed in JavaScript applications by up to 70%. This post provides in-depth information about Million.js, its features, and applications.  Let us get started.     Million.js Overview Million.js is an open-source, minimalistic JavaScript compiler that enhances the performance of React to a great extent.  Founded by Aiden Bai, this framework is designed to manage DOM elements. Unlike conventional frameworks, Million.js does not update the entire DOM every time. On the contrary, it revises only the crucial parts of the DOM. It naturally minimizes the memory usage and improves the overall rendering speed. Million.js uses a unique concept called blocks. These are lightweight Higher-Order Components (HOCs) optimized for rendering speed.     Key Features of Million.js React is a powerful library. Nevertheless, it struggles to accommodate apps with complex UI updates. Million.js provides several features, making it a reliable choice for a high-performance virtual DOM. Let us get to know some key features of Million.js.     Fine-Grained Update Control Million.js offers fine-grained control over updates. Developers can optimize a specific part of the user interface. With traditional VDOM libraries, users had to perform full component updates. Since Million.js allows targeted updates for separate DOM nodes, developers can avoid unnecessary re-renders. It boosts the overall performance of an application.   Better Developer Experience Million.js provides a lightweight and straightforward compiler for React applications. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned developer, setting up and using Million.js is straightforward. Furthermore, its developer-friendly API is intuitive and easy to learn. If you have prior experience in Virtual DOM implementations, things will be easier. You do not need to learn new codebases to use Million.js.   Compiler-First Approach Million.js is known for its blazing-fast speed, thanks to its compiler-first approach. It precomputes updates for static components.  During the runtime, changes are applied only to dynamic components. It reduces the diffing time significantly. Million.js employs specialized data structures. It calculates and compiles React code automatically into optimized HOCs before rendering them.     Easy Integration Million.js provides seamless integration with React. You can leverage its optimized Virtual DOM without rewriting your existing application. Million.js lets you use its library as a drop-in replacement for React’s default VDOM engine. You do not need to make significant changes to the codebase. Besides React, Million.js is compatible with various frameworks, such as Astro, Vue, Preact, Gatsby, and Next.     Lightweight Library Million.js is a lightweight library with a small bundle size. It has a gzipped size of less than 3KB. Therefore, it improves the initial load time of your application. React’s VDOM library weighs around 40-45 KB.    Use Cases for Million.Js Million.js is ideal for scenarios where performance and efficiency are essential.  Some use cases of Million.js include:   Single-page Applications Single-page applications, or SPAs, are popular in modern web development. They offer a seamless user experience by loading a single HTML page. Most single-page applications rely on JavaScript to manage user interactions. Million.js is the best option to manage single-page applications. Its virtual DOM library has numerous features that improve the performance of single-page applications.   Performance-Critical Applications If you are developing a React application that demands high performance, choosing Million.js can be your best bet.  Whether you are building a real-time application or compound data visualization tool, Million.js can boost speed by reducing the overhead of virtual DOM updates.   Interactive Applications Million.js can also help you build powerful interactive applications like quizzes, simulations, and real-time collaborative tools.  These apps need frequent updates to the user interface. Consequently, they need decent performance to maintain a smooth, real-time experience. Million.js is highly capable of handling frequent updates with minimal overhead.   Apps with Nested Data Million.js is suitable for web applications that use nested data. These applications feature multi-level structures and manage data in a parent-child relationship.  Some common examples of nested data include CMS websites, e-commerce platforms, database-driven applications, and social media applications. Due to tree traversal, nested data takes time to render. Nevertheless, Million.js optimized blocks help them render faster.   Mobile-First SPAs Developers optimize mobile-first single-page applications for small-screen devices such as mobile phones, tablets, etc. These apps prioritize performance and fast load times.  Pinterest, Instagram, Trello, and Twitter are notable mobile-first SPAs. Million.js can manage these apps dynamically without reloading the entire app. It helps apps remain responsive even when users are interacting with complex task lists and forms.   Limitations of Million.js Million.js offers tons of features. However, it has some drawbacks as well.   Limited Community Support Since Million.js is a new tool, it has limited ecosystems compared to other established frameworks. You might struggle to find in-depth documentation and 3rd party plugins.   Limited Debugging Tools Undoubtedly, Million.js has several advanced tools. However, it does not have extensive tools for debugging.   Conclusion So here is a quick guide on Million.js. Considering everything, we can say that Million.js is one of the best open-source JavaScript compilers. If you are looking for a minimal yet powerful Virtual DOM library, you must give Million.js a try.

Next.js15: Everything You Need to Know About it

Next Js

Next.js is a renowned React framework developed by Vercel. It enables web developers to create user-friendly static websites and web applications. Next.js was first released in 2016. However, it has come a long way since then. The framework has added numerous features and brought tons of improvements.  Next.js 15 is the latest release of the framework. Let us find out how it is different from previous versions.   What is New in Next.js 15? According to Vercel, Next.js 15 brings a wealth of improvements helping developers boost their workflow. Let us find out what is new in this version. Support for React19 One of the primary features you get in Next.js 15 is the support for React 19. The framework offers support for the following integrations: React Compiler This experimental compiler focuses on optimizing the performance and efficiency of React applications.   Hydration Error Improvements This integration improves the hydration process making it more powerful and error-resistant. Web developers experience a smooth transition from server-rendered HTML to fully interactive React components.   Server Actions Server Actions are a crucial feature enabling developers to run server-side codes within React components. It improves the workflow by minimizing the need for API routes.  Since developers can embed server actions in the same file as components, they can maintain a clean and modern codebase.  Besides, Server Actions improve security as sensitive operations are managed server-side. It naturally minimizes the risk of exposing sensitive data to the client.   TypeScript Support TypeScript has turned into an essential tool for modern web development. Next.js 15 has brought significant improvement in its TypeScript support. You get improved TypeScript integration. It helps developers build and maintain type-safe applications.  Next.js 15 provides seamless integration with the latest TypeScript features. Developers get better Type inference and accurate error reporting.  Furthermore, Next.js 15 offers comprehensive support for TypeScript configuration files. Consequently, users get better control over the TypeScript compiler options and project structure.   Support for Environment Variables & Configurations With Next.js 15, you notice a noteworthy improvement in support for environment variables and configuration management. Managing application settings across various environments gets much easier now.  Developers can now define environment-specific settings, thanks to the new configuration API. Apart from this, managing and deploying applications across different stages of development and production is straightforward.   Caching Overhaul You can notice the following changes in caching behavior in Next.js 15 RC. Web developers get better control and flexibility over how data fetching is handled. Fetch requests do not get cached by default now. Like fetch requests, GET route handlers won’t cache responses by default. Therefore, users are served with the latest data. In Next.js 15 RC, navigations on the client side bypass the cache. It offers predictable and dynamic user experience.   Middleware Improvements Next.js 15 comes with advanced middleware capabilities. It provides support for asynchronous operations and middleware chaining.  Developers can perform authentication, data manipulation, and logging before rendering the page. Creating multiple middleware functions and executing them sequentially is much easier now. It supports better organization and reuse of codes. Asynchronous middleware operations support quick request handling. They do not let complex jobs block the main thread.    Routing & Nested Layouts Nested layouts in Next.js 15 enable developers to make complex and reusable UI structures. These layouts help them define parent and child layouts. It means users can maintain a well-organized component hierarchy.  This feature is particularly beneficial for apps having multiple dashboards with common UI elements. Next.js 15 also features a flexible and improved routing system. The updated routing API supports dynamic route segments and custom route matching. Apart from this, the framework has improved the handling of its nested routes.    Web Vitals Attribution Next.js 15 lets developers track web vitals. Therefore, they get granular insights into their application’s performance and learn about possible bottlenecks.   Data Fetching with SWR Delta Another major update you can see in Next.js 15 is data fetching with the Stale-While-Revalidate (SWR) delta. It builds on a powerful SWR library by introducing delta synchronization.  It enables applications to fetch the changes (delta) from the last request. SWR Delta does not re-fetch the entire dataset. It optimizes the amount of data transferred over the network. Consequently, users experience fast load time and a reduction in bandwidth usage.  This feature is quite helpful for developers developing applications with frequent data changes, such as real-time dashboards.   Final words The release of Next.js 15 has brought several enhancements to the framework. From Server Actions to improved routing to in-depth TypeScript support, the framework is empowering developers. They can develop apps faster without compromising on scalability.  All in all, Next.js 15 is an ideal choice for modern web development.  It has set new standards for web development frameworks. Try it if you have not already. 

React 19: What’s New in it?

React, the popular JavaScript library has been consistently evolving since its first release in 2013. React 19 is a newly released version of this library. It promises to offer numerous benefits to web developers. Let’s learn about the changes and enhancements users can notice in React 19.     Features & Improvements of React19 React Compiler While it is in the experimental stage, React 19 has introduced a React Compiler. It converts React code into JavaScript to improve performance. The compiler also manages the component rendering for the UI state. Users do not need to change the state and UI as the compiler does it. Besides this, the React Compiler abolishes the need to employ useMemo and useCallback method calls. The compiler caches and optimizes components as per the requirements.   Actions React 19 introduces Actions. This new feature is designed to manage data mutations. Developers do not need manual codes to handle pending states and optimistic updates & errors. The key features of this update include:   Automatic Pending State Actions manage the pending state automatically during the data fetching. Easy Error Handling It features a built-in error-handling system. It automatically reverts optimistic updates when a request fails. Optimistic Updates Users can get immediate feedback while data is being submitted, thanks to useOptimistic. Form Handling With this update, Form elements can employ formAction and action props to take advantage of Actions functionality. It makes form submission straightforward.   React Server Components (RSCs) RSCs in React 19 allow developers to render UI components on the server. It pre-renders components on the server to improve initial page load time. Therefore, users consume content faster. Additionally, the codes of RSCs do not need to be added into a bundle as it renders on the server. Consequently, it supports small downloads for users.    New Hook: useActionState  useActionState is a new hook introduced in React 19. It makes the handling of data mutations straightforward. It tracks the pending state and eliminates the need for manual handling. It manages the pending state and returns the final result of the action.   New Hook: useFormStatus useFormStatus is another new hook in React 19. It helps child components to access the status of the parent form. The hook abolishes the need to pass the form state through multiple props. useFormStatus makes component hierarchies simple and clean. It also minimizes the boilerplate code for components interacting with the form state.   New Hook: useOptimistic React 19’s useOptimistic hook manages optimistic UI updates during asynchronous data mutations. The hook lets developers define an optimistic state value, which gets rendered immediately.  Consequently, users get feedback on the expected outcome immediately. It also automates state management and enhances the overall user experience.   Concurrent Rendering React 19 supports concurrent rendering. It enables React to make multiple versions of the UI simultaneously. It improves the responsiveness of applications by handling the high-priority updates first. Nevertheless, it does not block lower-priority updates.   New JSX Transform The latest JSX transformation makes the compilation process easy. It minimizes the size of the React library required to be included in the project.  Since the New JSX transform reduces the overall bundle size, you experience faster load times. Furthermore, developers do not need to import React to employ JSX.   Improved SSR (Server-Side Rendering) React 19 has improved server-side rendering. Its improved algorithms minimize the time it takes to render components on the server. Besides, it also improves search engine indexing.   New Transition API React 19 introduces the new transition API to define UI transitions. It makes managing transitions and animations in complex apps simple. React 19 maintains visual consistency and improves the overall user experience.   Improvement in React Developer Tools React 19 DevTools can identify and fix bugs easily. It offers better debugging and performance profiling. Since developers get detailed performance profiling, they can optimize their application’s performance better.   Performance Improvement If we compare React 19 to React 18 based on performance, it has improved several times. It shows about a 20% improvement in rendering speed for complex UI. Additionally, React 19 minimizes memory consumption by 15% in particular applications. You can also notice that applications built using React 19 load 10% faster on average.   Improved Development Workflow React 19 brings numerous features that streamline the development process. Developers can improve their productivity several times. Some crucial features include: React 19 lets developers manage multiple updates altogether. It naturally minimizes the complexity of handling high and low-priority updates. This new version of React helps developers manage asynchronous data fetching. Thus they avoid unnecessary re-renders and manage loading states quickly. React 19 supports automatic batching of updates Web developers can define UI transitions, thanks to the new Transition API. Developers get improvements in additional tools and libraries, such as React Query, Recoil, Next.js, etc.   Conclusion React 19 has brought numerous improvements to the library. High rendering speed, streamlined development, and minimized bundle size have taken the platform to the next level. If you have not upgraded to React 19 yet, do it now. You will surely relish smooth interactions, faster loading times, and easy handling of asynchronous operations.  

React Performance: Best Techniques to Optimize It in 2024

React Performance: Best Techniques to Optimize It in 2024

React is one of the renowned JavaScript libraries. While it supports a decent rendering mechanism, it sometimes needs performance optimization. If you are making a complex application that requires more scalability and security, try the following performance optimization techniques. Before we discuss these methods, let’s learn some primary concepts of React performance. VDOM React employs a Virtual DOM, also known as VDOM, to enhance its performance. When you make changes to your app, React updates the VDOM. So you can compare the changes easily. Reconciliation Reconciliation is the process React uses to update the DOM and match the current component tree. It recognizes the differences by comparing the old VDOM with the new one. It gives updates on the DOM parts that have been modified. Techniques to Optimize React Performance Implement React. memo () React.memo tool helps you prevent unnecessary component rendering when the props received in that component do not change. It enhances the application’s performance to a great extent. Implementing React.memo is easy. See the following example. import { memo } from "react"; import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent"; export const App = () => { // using a component const MemoizedComponent = memo(MyComponent); // using a function expression const MemoizedComponent2 = memo(function ({ data }) { return <div>Some interesting {data}</div>; }); // using an arrow function const MemoizedComponent3 = memo(({ data }) => { return <div>Some interesting {data}</div>; }); const someDataPassedAsProp = {}; return <MemoizedComponent data={someDataPassedAsProp} />; };   List Virtualization in React Applications Most React applications that showcase long lists get performance issues. The application renders the entire list in the DOM before getting loaded completely. It affects the performance to a certain extent. One excellent way to deal with issues is Windowing. It allows you to render only certain items on the DOM. You do not need to render the entire list of components on your application’s screen. It will improve the performance naturally. You can enable windowing using React-window or React-virtualized. Both libraries allow you to render subcategories of the extensive list on the application screen. Lazy Loading Images A React application with numerous images loads slowly. All the images are rendered on the DOM before they are available on the screen. Thankfully, you can counter this issue using Lazy Loading Images. This technique allows images to wait until it is their turn to appear on the screen. Therefore, images do not create redundant DOM nodes. Users can use React-lazyload or React-lazy-load-image-component. These two libraries are popularly used to boost React application performance. Key Coordination for List Rendering If you’re working with lists in React, assign key attributes to elements. It will render the upcoming items on the list. By assigning a key value to components you can avoid the bottleneck issue. Use Key= { } for your dynamic lists to enhance the performance of the React app. Implementation of PureComponent Another promising way to boost the React performance is the execution of PureComponent. Use PureComponent instead of Component. It compares props and states to decide whether or not a component should be updated. import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; class MyComponent extends PureComponent { // Component logic }   Do Not Define the Inline Function Sometimes, defining functions inside the render method becomes the culprit of poor performance. What you can do is define functions outside the render method. Apart from this, you may try using arrow functions for short event handlers. See the following example: class MyComponent extends React.Component { handleClick = () => { // Handle click } render() { return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me</button>; } }   Use Code Splitting Another practical thing you can try to optimize the speed of a React application is code splitting. It lets you split your app into small chunks. Code splitting loads the codes required for certain features only. It automatically minimizes the initial load time. import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react'; const LazyComponent = lazy(() => import('./LazyComponent')); function MyComponent() { return ( <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading…</div>}> <LazyComponent /> </Suspense> ); }   Use a Function in setState Do not use an object in the setState function. Instead, use a function. It is because state changes are not suggested immediately as transferred by React docs. Therefore, instead of this: this.setState({correctData: !this.state.correctData});, use the following. this.setState((prevState, props) => { return {correctData: !prevState.correctData}); }   Trim JavaScript Bundles Users who want to remove code redundancy specifically can trim their JavaScript packages. Eliminate all the duplicate and irrelevant codes. It will enhance your application’s performance several times. Analyze and determine bundled code. Conclusion Undoubtedly, React is an excellent JavaScript library that helps you create user interfaces based on components. As a result, several renowned companies, including LinkedIn, DropBox, etc., use it for their applications. However, it renders numerous irrelevant components causing performance-related issues.  In this post, we listed some techniques you can use to fix these issues without compromising the quality. Try these React optimization methods to make your application more responsive and user-friendly.

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