JWT vs. PASETO: A Quick Comparison of Two Leading Token-Based Authentication Methods
Token-based authentication has become standard to secure web applications. Unlike conventional authentication systems, it does not store tokens on a server. Therefore, it is less vulnerable to brute-force attacks. JSON Web Token (JWT) and Platform-Agnostic Security and Token (PASETO) are renowned token-based authentication technologies. While both secure the transmission of information between two parties, they differ in their features and functions. This post compares both platforms based on different factors. Read it until the end to learn which one meets your requirements best. What is a JSON Web Token? JWT is an open standard that secures the transmission of information between parties as a JSON object. It verifies user identities and grants access to private resources. JWT consists of three parts: Header The header defines the token type and the signing algorithm. Payload The payload contains statements or claims about an entity (usually the user) and additional data. You can categorize the payload into three types: Reserved claims Public claims Private claims Signature A signature ensures the authenticity of a token. It is created by combining the encoded header, payload, and a secret key. How Does JWT Work? Token Generation Once user authentication is successful, the server produces a JWT. It contains user information and permissions. This token is signed using a key. Token Sent to Client The server sends the JSON web token to the client within the HTTP response header. Storage of Token The client secures the JSON web token in local storage or cookies. Client Request Resource The client adds JWT in the authorization header for future requests to private resources. Server Validates Token The server uses the private key to authorize the JWT’s signature and expiration time. Access Granted/Denied The server grants or denies access to resources based on the token validation. What is PASETO? Designed by Scott Arciszewski, PASETO tokens are platform-agnostic. It means they are not bound to any particular platform or programming language. The token creation is relatively easy with PASETO. Users get only two types of tokens: Local Local tokens are encrypted with the help of a shared secret key stored on a server-side. These tokens make sure that the payload is confidential. Public Public tokens are not encrypted. The payload is visible to the public but protected from tampering. How Does PASETO Work? PASETO eliminates numerous pitfalls of JWT. For example, it has built-in encryption that makes the payload more confidential. Besides this, it employs modern cryptographic algorithms for encryption that are less prone to errors. Let’s compare JWT and PASETO based on different aspects. JWT vs. PASETO Security The level of security in the JSON web token depends on cryptographic algorithms used for signing and encryption. Older versions of JWT are more vulnerable, especially if not implemented properly. PASETO has the upper hand in terms of security. Since PASETO prioritizes security by default, it minimizes the risk of misconfigurations. It uses modern cryptographic algorithms that avoid the drawbacks of previous versions. Additionally, PASETO’s local tokens come with built-in encryption. Flexibility JWT is versatile. It supports different encryption algorithms. Users can employ it for a wide range of applications. JWT is particularly suitable for systems that need integration between services. PASETO is comparatively less flexible. Though its opinionated design makes it more secure, it can be restrictive for users who want more control over token management. Compatibility JWT has been used for quite some time. Consequently, it has received widespread adoption. The technology offers support to various frameworks, libraries, and platforms. It is easy to integrate JWT into existing infrastructure. As PASETO is still new, it does not offer the same level of compatibility as JWT. However, its design principles make it suitable for systems that need high security. Complexity Some developers might find JSON Web Token a little complicated to implement. Choosing an appropriate algorithm and managing key distribution need careful attention. Besides this, JWT does not enforce encryption. Therefore, sensitive information in the payload needs separate encryption. PASETO is simple and secure. It offers a fixed structure with limited cryptographic primitives. There is a negligible chance of security vulnerabilities and implementation errors in PASETO. Use Cases JSON Web Tokens are widely accepted in various libraries. They are more prevalent in existing frameworks and applications. Primarily, developers use them where stateless communication is needed. Some common use cases of JWT include: Authentication API Authentication & Access Control Stateless Sessions Authorization Single Sign-On (SSO) Browser-based authentication, and more. PASETO focuses on modern cryptographic practices. Users prefer it for scenarios where high security is critical. Use cases of PASETO include: Session management in the application API authentication Inter-microservice communication Authorization in distributed systems Stateless authentication in stateless architectures Final Words Both PASETO and JWT are powerful token-based authentication solutions. However, they cater to different priorities. JWT offers more flexibility in terms of compatibility and customizability. On the contrary, PASETO focuses on security by default. It provides strong cryptographic guarantees without requiring you to understand the underlying algorithms. So these are some differences between the two. You can make your choice based on the specific requirements of your application.